Encode group supports the Dutch Cancer Society (KWF) to be able to beat cancer.
We have been a Business Friend of KWF since 2015.

When the Dutch Cancer Society was founded in 1949, the outlook for cancer patients was extremely bleak. Five years after diagnosis, only a quarter of them were still alive. That number has now risen to two thirds. A hopeful interim score that has been made possible thanks to the generous donations from KWF donors. For more than 70 years, they have enabled researchers to better understand, detect and treat the disease.
But that does not mean the work of KWF in 2020 is finished. Progressive insight poses new challenges. How do we promote a good quality of life for the growing number of people who have had cancer? How can we ensure that patients with rare cancers also receive better treatments? And if prevention is better than cure, what is the best way to prevent cancer?